Spider Monkeys Books

  • Spider Monkeys
    A book about spider monkeys, their habitat, physical characteristics, diet, and behavior. Provides interesting facts and information.
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  • Little Dog, Lion and Spider Monkey
    A little dog gets hurt in the forest and is about to be eaten by a lion, but a monkey dressed as Spiderman comes to the rescue.
  • Spider Monkey
    Peter, a Variagated Spider Monkey, describes his life in the rainforests of Venezuela and Colombia, including his physical features, diet, lifespan, and habitat preferences.
  • Cherry’s Mission
    Cherry, a unique parakeet, embarks on a dangerous mission to save her tribe. Along the way, she forms unlikely friendships and discovers her true purpose.
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  • The Greedy Spider
    This book is about a spider that wants everything! But ends up having nothing! If you would like to read another of my books I have one called 'The Shark and The fishes'. Ple…
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  • Loyalty with you.
    Two spider monkey hunters in the Amazon get separated and encounter dangerous situations. They are saved by a spider monkey and a mother bear, leading to a legend about prote…
  • All About Monkeys
    This book provides information about monkeys, including where they live, what they eat, different types of monkeys, their lifespan, predators, group names, height, and weight.
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  • Black Spider Monkey
    A brief description of the Black Spider Monkey, its habitat, and the threat it faces.
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