Standardized Testing Books

  • The Sad Tale of Standardized Testing
    Bobby, a grade three student, prepares for a standardized test but gets sick and can't take it. His teacher changes the testing method, and Bobby's grades improve.
  • More Than a Test Score
    This poem explores the limitations of standardized testing, advocating for diverse assessments that celebrate students' true abilities and creativity beyond mere scores.
  • The Story Of Tyler And His Struggles With ADHD
    Tyler, an Honor Roll student with ADHD, challenges the use of standardized testing and advocates for alternative evaluation methods.
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  • The Terror of Teaching
    A teacher reflects on the challenges and fears of teaching, including cultural diversity, standardized testing, and bias, and shares strategies to create an effective learnin…
  • How Are They Different? Equality VS. Equity
    This book explores the concepts of equality and equity in education, highlighting the importance of meeting individual needs.
  • National Assessment Program
    Miss Honey, a dedicated teacher, faces challenges when standardized testing is introduced. The impact on students, parents, and herself is explored.
  • Hannah and the Stanadardized Test
    Hannah, a student, is nervous about an upcoming standardized test. She seeks help from her brother and teacher to understand the test and overcome her anxiety.
  • Amanda's Growth Portfolio
    This book is a comprehensive guide for teachers, discussing various teaching strategies such as the Learning Continuum, Differentiated Instruction, Inquiry Based Learning, Pr…
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