Stigma Books

  • My Sister
    "My Sister" is a children's book dedicated addressing the stigma associated with taking prescription medication for mental illness. Please check out the website: https://do…
  • Though a Type One diabetic cannot stop the onset of his or her disease, the related stigma influences outsiders to believe that diabetes is the diabetic’s fault. The negative…
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  • Maya's Not Alone
    Maya, a girl with an incarcerated father, faces challenges and stigma at school. She finds comfort and support in a new friend, Grace, who also has a parent in jail. Together…
  • OCD Awareness
    This book was created to inform kids about OCD Awareness Week! It teaches them what OCD is and how to differ it from the stereotypes.
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  • Depression
    An informative text about depression, its symptoms, treatment options, and impact on individuals. It emphasizes the importance of seeking help and reducing stigma.
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  • Stigma and Discrimination
    This story explains what stigma and discrimination are, provides examples, and offers suggestions on how to break them.
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  • Suicide: the unspoken truths
    This book provides information about suicide, its causes, impacts, prevention methods, and challenges. It aims to raise awareness and address the stigma surrounding suicide.
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  • The Story of Aussie
    Aussie, a boy with autism, navigates his first day of school and learns about acceptance and friendship.
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