Storm Chaser Books

  • Storm Chasers and tornadoes
    Make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel just click on the link that say 'click on me'
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  • All about storm chasing
    In this book you are going to learn about storm chasers and there vehicles.
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  • Chasing the storm
    This story is about a storm chaser named Addison who takes you on a trip to Indonesia to witness a tsunami, and to Georgia to witness a category three hurricane. Come on! Let…
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  • Tornado! A Powerful Wind Storm
    An informative book about tornadoes, including their formation, occurrence, and safety measures. Includes links for further reading.
  • Tornado Chasers
    Jason, a storm chaser, prepares to chase a tornado on a sunny day. He meets his storm chasers and they head towards the storm.
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    A tornado hits Wind Town during a school field trip, causing destruction and loss of life. The town rebuilds with help from the media and the class takes a trip to Toronto.
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  • Hurricanes
    A book about hurricanes, covering the history and impact of Hurricanes Katrina, Sandy, Felix, and Flora.
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  • What Is The Weather Like Today?
    Explore the fascinating world of weather, from sunny days to storms, and learn how air, water, and the sun interact to create our climate and weather patterns.
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