Storyboard Books

  • Storyboard
    The Legend of Momotaro is a Japanese folktale about a boy who is born from a peach and goes on a quest to defeat demons. He succeeds and is rewarded with marriage to the Empe…
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  • Don't use StoryBoard
    A short story about the consequences of using StoryBoard and how it affects becoming an author.
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  • Creative Writing for Video
    This book provides a guide to creating video projects, covering topics such as scriptwriting, storytelling structure, and different script types like screenplays and storyboa…
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    A conversation between a flower and a curious child about photosynthesis, reactants and products, and organisms that perform photosynthesis.
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  • Storyboard
    This story provides a brief overview of key historical events and concepts related to racial segregation and civil rights in the United States.
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  • The Lottery Storyboard
    A storyboard of the short story 'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson, with descriptions of each shot and its significance.
  • Rachel Carson discusses the harmful effects of pesticides on the environment and urges readers to be aware and educated about them.
  • Place Value Hop!
    One, a number on the far end of Number Line Street, learns about place value and realizes his own value.
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