Stranger Danger Books

  • Stranger Danger
    Lucy is approached by a stranger at the park who asks for help finding his lost puppy. Lucy, remembering her parents' advice, refuses and runs home.
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  • Stranger Danger
    A child encounters a stranger in a car outside school, but is warned by their mother to be cautious. They go home and are cheered up by ice cream.
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  • Stranger Danger
    John encounters a new clown in town but heeding his mother's advice, he avoids him. The clown turns out to be a criminal.
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  • Terry And The Stranger
    Terry learns a valuable lesson about talking to strangers.
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    Tommy and his friend Billy go to the park, but Billy goes missing. Tommy learns about stranger danger and vows to be more cautious.
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  • There's A STRANGER In TOWN
    There's a stranger in town
    Is there something to fear

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  • Stranger Danger
    River, a small bear, gets separated from his parents in the forest. He encounters a rabbit and a deer who offer to help, but he remembers his mom's advice about stranger dang…
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    Ayesha is followed by a stranger, kidnapped, and eventually rescued. She learns the importance of telling her parents about dangerous situations.
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