Subsidies Books

  • The story of the fish farmer Billy
    Farmer Billy explains his unique fish farming operation, including the size of his tanks, machinery used, subsidies received, and challenges faced.
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  • Olitown Farms, Oliveston
    A description of a farm in Oiltown, Oliveston, including its size, machinery, crops, transportation, and potential problems.
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  • Agriculture In Drayland
    The Shole Growers Farm in Drayland is a large commercial farm that grows rice and corn. It uses machinery, subsidies, and transportation methods to supply the capital city wi…
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  • Q3 soverighty
    A child describes their farm in a small town, its size, crops, machinery, and government subsidies. They mention the need for better scheduling and the lack of recognition fo…
  • John the Farmer
    John, a dairy farmer in Abbgalia, shares his farm's practices and challenges, including subsidies, transportation, and potential issues.
  • Coconut Farming
    A coconut farm in Coconut Water City grows coconuts for the Coconutarians. The farm practices organic, non-GMO farming and faces challenges due to slow growth. The story ends…
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  • Overfishing
    This book provides an overview of overfishing, its causes, effects, and potential solutions. It also includes fun facts and key terms related to the topic.
  • The Olive Gardens
    The Olive Gardens in Oliveston are known for their large olive groves and high-quality olives. The story explores the cultivation, production, and economic importance of oliv…
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