Suburb Books

  • Urbanization in Frisco
    The story explains the different types of areas - rural, suburban, urban, metropolitan, and megalopolis - using Frisco as an example.
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  • Love where you live Authors:Aya Louti Iram
    Four girls in a suburb clean up an ugly vacant lot, turning it into a lovely family space where neighbors meet and children play.
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  • George and the City!
    George the monkey explores the changing city of Frisco, Texas and discovers its transformation from a rural area to a suburb of Dallas.
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  • The Growth of Frisco
    The story follows Farmer Joe in the town of Frisco as it transitions from a farming community to a suburban area, and eventually an urbanized city.
  • Sara's Suburb
    Sara describes her suburban community, highlighting the friendly neighbors, her enjoyable job, and the beautiful park. She invites readers to explore her community.
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    Neville Sarle is an obnoxious kid who likes to pull pranks on his classmates. But is he really a bad guy or is he just looking for attention? After fooling around with his sc…
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  • Urbanization
    The story of how Frisco transformed from a rural farming town to a thriving suburb of the Dallas-Fort Worth megalopolis.
  • The story of Frisco
    Joe, tired of city life, starts a farm but finds it too slow. He moves to the suburbs, finding a compromise between city and rural living.
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