Sugar Act Books

  • The Sugar Act
    The Sugar Act, an important event in American history, aimed to end sugar smuggling. It granted a monopoly to British West Indies planters. Samuel Adams and James Otis protes…
    A personal account of living with diabetes, including diagnosis, treatment, and daily life. Includes information on insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors.
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  • Though a Type One diabetic cannot stop the onset of his or her disease, the related stigma influences outsiders to believe that diabetes is the diabetic’s fault. The negative…
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  • Four Causes Of The Revolutionary War
    This story explains four causes of the Revolutionary War: Boston Massacre, Sugar Act, Tea Act, and Boston Tea Party. It describes the events and their impact on the colonists.
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  • The Road to the Revolution
    This book provides a detailed account of the events leading up to the American Revolutionary War, including the French and Indian War, the Proclamation of 1763, the Sugar Act…
  • The American Revolution ABC Book
    A comprehensive overview of the American Revolution, including key events, figures, and its impact on the United States.
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  • Road to American Revolution By Anniyah Johnson
    A historical overview of key events and factors leading to the American Revolution, including the French and Indian War, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Par…
    A scene set in 1773 with inaccuracies about the English flag and Sons of Liberty. Sam Adams makes an inaccurate claim about the Sugar Act.
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