Sun Tzu Books

    Bon Hadleigh is excited for the beginning of the Christmas Break. He's even more excited about the annual snowball fight that the kids from his school have every year with th…
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  • The Art of War
    A brief overview of Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War', its influence, and potential movie adaptations.
  • The Art Of War
    Sun Tzu teaches his army the art of war, including tactics, strategy, and conquering enemies.
  • The Zhou Dynasty
    An overview of the Zhou dynasty in ancient China, including their territory, religion, achievements, government, money/goods, and society.
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  • My Favorite Metal Band
    A brief overview of the Swedish heavy/power metal band Sabaton, their albums, and their historical themes.
  • Learn Spanish! ¡Aprender español!
    A bilingual book that teaches basic Spanish phrases, personal questions, school objects, numbers, time, body parts, and more.
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  • George Runs Away
    George, a young boy, learns important life lessons from magical trees in a forest after he runs away from home.
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  • Art of War
    The Art of War is a classic military strategy book that explores various aspects of warfare, including leadership, tactics, and intelligence.
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