Sundiata Books

  • Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali
    Sogolon Kedjou's son, Djata, overcomes his disability and becomes a strong warrior. Sundiata defeats Soumaoro and claims his palace.
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  • Summary of Sundiata
    Sundiata, a disabled boy, overcomes obstacles to become a great ruler and defeat an evil sorcerer. He is rewarded with wealth and power.
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  • Sundiata Keita
    The story of Sundiata Keita, a prince who overcame his physical disability to become a powerful ruler and free the Mandinka people from an oppressive dictator.
  • The Empire of Mali
    A brief history of the Mali Empire in West Africa, from its founding under Sundiata to its decline under Mahmud IV.
    by ckuo
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  • Sundiata Summary
    Mari Djata, a prince, overcomes challenges and becomes Sundiata, the sole ruler of the world.
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  • Sundiata
    Sundiata, a predicted great leader, overcomes challenges to help his mother and defeat Soumaoro.
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  • Sundiata
    A boy named Sundiata overcomes challenges, unites kingdoms, and forms the Mali empire.
    The story follows Sundiata, a boy with a prophecy to become a great leader. Despite challenges, he learns to walk, gains power, and defeats an evil sorcerer to reclaim his ho…
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