Supernatural Beings Books

  • Twilight A Continuation
    Sierra Nox, a vampire and with unique abilities, reveals her true nature to the Cullens and the Quileute pack. Her powers include healing, control over the elements, mental a…
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  • The Key Elements of Mythology
    This story explores the purpose of myths, the tension between opposing forces, the explanation of the origins of life, fate and prophecy, supernatural characters, and quests.
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  • specter
    This book is semi-autobiographical as I am incredibly shy much like the main character in this story. Brendan feels very uncomfortable around people and prefers his time alon…
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  • Young Authors Stories
    A collection of children's stories involving various adventures and mishaps. The narratives include train robberies, encounters with supernatural beings, plane crashes, and v…
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    Neville Sarle is an obnoxious kid who likes to pull pranks on his classmates. But is he really a bad guy or is he just looking for attention? After fooling around with his sc…
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    Detective Karter Dylan has lived and worked in New London his entire life. He's seen some strange things during his career but nothing could prepare him for a rash of attacks…
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  • Village of Shadows
    A young girl gets lost in a dark forest and encounters supernatural beings who help her, but she ultimately falls victim to a witch's curse.
  • My Mommy's Sick
    This book was written through the eyes of seven year old as she watched her mother go through terminal illness. I hope it will help other children and their family in some wa…
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