Supernatural Threats Books

    Detective Karter Dylan has lived and worked in New London his entire life. He's seen some strange things during his career but nothing could prepare him for a rash of attacks…
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    Neville Sarle is an obnoxious kid who likes to pull pranks on his classmates. But is he really a bad guy or is he just looking for attention? After fooling around with his sc…
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    Paloma Reyes is a young girl who loves comic books and superheroes.Unfortunately her older brother never lets her join in when he's playing with his friends. But due to some …
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  • The Cursed Mansion
    Ethan explores the eerie 'Ghost mansion' in Oldham, facing supernatural threats and a sinister soul, leading to a terrifying encounter that changes his fate forever.
  • Twilight A Continuation
    Sierra Nox, a vampire and with unique abilities, reveals her true nature to the Cullens and the Quileute pack. Her powers include healing, control over the elements, mental a…
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  • Alua’s transformation
    Alua, a young Bribri warrior, teams up with Maku, an Apë́ se'ie guardian, to restore balance in the forest and protect their people from dark spirits.
  • The suicide squad
    A review of the science fiction movie 'The Suicide Squad', praising its cast, story, visuals, and soundtrack, and recommending it to fans of the genre.
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  • Seba v/s John
    In a jungle, three monkeys - John, Julia, and Seba - face off in an epic battle against evil. With courage, love, and unity, they restore peace to the jungle.
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