Superstition Books

  • Elena, a young girl in a small town, defies superstition and becomes a hero by rescuing a boy from a well.
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  • Superstitions
    A collection of superstitions from around the world, exploring their origins and cultural significance.
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  • Bad Luck Black Cat?
    Soot is a black cat who is traumatized by everyone saying she is bad luck. Only Lucky and her family realize it is a superstition. Can Soot even make friends because she is a…
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  • La maldición en un vistazo.
    Jerson Lancheros Arias
    Sergio Orlando Murcia Cardenas
    Brayan Ferney Naranjo Vesga
    Hermes Andres Bautista Avellaneda
    Juan Jose Pinto Plata
  • My Practice Book
    In a town plagued by superstition, a young man named Luis challenges the belief in the evil eye and brings hope to his community.
  • The broken mirror,the black cat and lots of good luck
    A young girl adopts a black cat despite superstitions and learns that they bring no bad luck.
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  • All About Ascension Day
    A brief explanation of Ascension Day and its significance, along with a mention of a superstition and a quote from Jesus.
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  • I Saw An Alien
    Katy is a superstitious person and believes in anything that anyone tells her. Later she discovers a strange creature.
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