Tang Dynasty Books

  • The Tang Dynasty
    A brief overview of the Tang Dynasty in China, including its leaders, religion, lifestyle, city life, culture, and inventions.
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  • How the horse was decorated
    You will learn how people decorated the horse in the East
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  • Rights In The Tang Dynasty
    Li Yuan, the founder of the Tang Dynasty, ruled ancient China from 618AD to 907AD. The dynasty was a time of peace and wealth, but women had fewer rights than men.
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  • Chinese Dynasties
    This story provides a brief overview of the Tang and Song dynasties in China, their achievements, the Mongol invasion, and the Ming dynasty.
  • Classical China
    A brief overview of the major Chinese dynasties and their achievements, including advancements in farming, technology, culture, and government.
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  • A trip to Xian
    A brief introduction to the history and attractions of Xi'an, China, including the Terracotta Warriors Museum, Huxian County, and Huaqing Pool.
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  • The Song Dynasty
    Litty Billy adventures into the Song dynasty! He will have to escape a crisis to come back home and talk to his history teacher. This nail-biting, lit, fantastical story will…
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  • History Book
    A collection of short paragraphs covering various topics in geography, economics, government, culture, religion, and history.
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