Tenant Books

  • The bad tenant
    Francisco's roommate unexpectedly moves out, taking some of Francisco's belongings. Francisco plans to negotiate for their return.
  • The bad tenant
    Miguel Alejandro discovers that his brother has taken his personal belongings and confronts him about it.
  • apartment troubles
    A tenant named Garrick complains about various issues in his apartment, including dust, a broken fridge, noisy neighbors, bad toiletries, an overheating TV, and leaks. He acc…
  • My Practice Book: The bad tenant.
    Dulce's sister unexpectedly moves out, taking Dulce's belongings. Dulce plans to get her things back.
  • Overworking
    A tenant struggles to pay rent after being robbed, but eventually earns the money through hard work.
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  • Every day activities book
    Αυτό το βιβλίο γράφτηκε για να σας βοηθήσει να παραμείνετε δραστήριοι και να διασκεδάσετε ενώ γυμνάζεστε. Περιέχει ιδέες και προτάσεις για διάφορα παιχνίδια και ασκήσεις που …
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  • La metamorfosis
    Keren wakes up one morning as a bug. Her friend Mafe is worried and visits her. Keren's family hires a maid, and later tenants arrive. Keren realizes her family is tired of t…
  • La Patasola
    La Patasola is a Colombian legend about a wife's infidelity and the husband's violent reaction. The legend warns of the consequences of unfaithfulness.
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