The Lottery Books

    In a peaceful village, two people compete to win the lottery. When Hussainy wins, jealousy turns into bullying. The story ends with a mysterious fate for Hussainy.
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  • The Lottery Ticket
    Two siblings eagerly wait for the result of a lottery ticket they bought. They win $100,000 and decide to help the needy and celebrate with family and friends.
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  • An unlikely lottery win
    A story about the time my sister and I won the Hamilton lottery!
  • Rags 2 Riches
    this is about a poor girl who turned Rich after a lottery ticket
  • The Lottery Storyboard
    A storyboard of the short story 'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson, with descriptions of each shot and its significance.
  • Winning the Lottery
    A child fantasizes about winning the lottery, becoming famous, and making a lot of money through a series of conditional statements.
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  • Roblox VS Minecraft Part 4
    A boy wins a huge amount of money, buys a mansion, and loses his old friend due to his newfound wealth.
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  • A Peek Into Your Future
    A couple's journey from a small cottage to a mansion, with pregnancies, moving, and winning the lottery along the way.
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