Theatrical Plays Books

  • All about our School
    A description of the different rooms and areas in a school, including the entrance, gym, school yard, kitchen, art classroom, theatrical play room, science lab, library, comp…
    by st24
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    This book discusses the importance of theater in education, specifically in secondary schools. It explores the benefits of theater for students' personal and social developme…
  • Japanese Cultures
    An informative book about various aspects of Japanese culture, including traditions, religion, sports, food, tea, geisha, gardens, manga, samurai, kabuki, and cherry blossoms.
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  • William Shakespeare
    This book provides a comprehensive overview of William Shakespeare's life, works, and legacy, highlighting his impact on literature and language.
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  • WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE _____________
    A brief biography of William Shakespeare, his life, works, and contributions to literature.
    A collection of short biographies about famous Greek figures in various fields, including opera, painting, music, sports, and more.
  • Our lives in the future
    Three thirteen-year-old girls, Valeria, Daniela, and Gabriela, share their dreams and plans for the future, including studying abroad, pursuing careers in design, acting, and…
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  • The Princess and The Count
    This is not your typical boring princess story. This is an epic tale full of action and adventure. The princess has some of the strangest and weirdest types of friends and …
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