Thermal Energy Books

  • Thermal Energy
    A family learns about thermal energy while baking cookies and going to the park, and Adrian shares his knowledge with his classmates.
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  • Phase Changes
    Water Molecule's Adventures! A fun and educational journey through the different phases of matter, molecular movement, and thermal energy.
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  • Renewable Energy
    An informative book that explains what renewable resources are, the six main types of renewable resources, and why we should use them.
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  • What's the MATTER, Olaf?
    Olaf explains the three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas, and how they relate to water. He also discusses thermal energy and molecular movement.
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  • Thermal Energy Transfer
    An amateurish and rushed book about thermal energy transfer, wind currents, and ocean currents, with a sarcastic and unprofessional tone.
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  • Bob the Water Droplet's journey
    Bob the water droplet goes on a journey to explore the states of matter, experiencing freezing, melting, vaporization, condensation, deposition, and sublimation.
  • Solids, Liquids and Gases
    Allison Marken and Hailie Hallquist's Multi Media Project for Mrs. Larson's class.

    Heating and cooling
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  • Energy and Heat
    This book introduces key concepts related to thermal energy, including temperature, conduction, convection, radiation, insulators, and conductors.
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