Tijuca Forest Books

  • Tijuca Forest in rio de janeiro
    A brief introduction to various aspects of Rio de Janeiro, including Tijuca Forest, wildlife, weather, and Christ the Redeemer.
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  • The Dog Who Travelled Everywhere
    This book is about Buddy the dog . Who around the world He visits vast destinations.
  • The Unexpected Hero
    Slater, a young boy, embarks on a dangerous journey to save his sick mother from a curse. With the help of his twin brother and a magical fruit, he defeats his archenemy and …
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  • My future plans
    A brief travel itinerary of the author's plans to visit various attractions in Brazil.
  • 7 Wonders of the World
    A collection of brief descriptions of famous architectural landmarks around the world.
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  • Countries AROUND THE WORLD
    This book provides brief information about Germany, Brazil, Azerbaijan, and Uganda, including their culture, traditions, food, and attractions.
  • Spen's Journey Home by Alan Pang Peter Mennonna Chris Schneider
    Spen, a clever chameleon, gets lost in the jungle but is helped by his friends Austin and Mei to find his way back home.
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