Time Period Books

  • Three Time Periods Dinosaurs Lived In
    A brief overview of the Mesozoic era and the different periods within it, highlighting the dominance and extinction of dinosaurs.
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  • Time Machine Adventure
    This is a story about a boy who makes his own time machine. He used it to to travel back in the past. He has adventures in different time periods.
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  • COD Games
    A brief overview of the Call of Duty game series, highlighting different time periods and characters.
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  • Animals That Hibernate
    A description of hibernation, where animals sleep for a long period of time during winter, store food, and wake up refreshed.
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  • The Proterozoic Time Period
    An overview of the Proterozoic Eon, its eras, and significant events such as continental development, volcanic activity, glaciations, and the emergence of multi-celled life.
  • Dinosaur Facts
    An informative book about dinosaurs, covering their definition, habitats, diets, and self-defense mechanisms.
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  • Karankawa Indians
    A brief overview of the Karankawa tribe, including their artifacts, wigwams, daily life, tools & weapons, time period, and fate.
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  • Road to Revolution
    Janice and Gabby take a trip to the road to revolution, to show YOU what happened during that time period.
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