Tinkering Books

  • the great escape
    The Great Escape" follows four extraordinary friends,who find themselves trapped in a troll's lair deep within a mysterious jungle. Each friend possesses unique talents: Jala…
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  • I Used to Think... But, Now I Think...
    A student reflects on their changing perspective on the use of technology in education, from initially seeing it as limited to now embracing its various benefits.
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  • Steve Jobs
    This book provides a chronological account of Steve Jobs' life, from his childhood to his contributions and successes in the technology industry, and ultimately his death.
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  • Our Sustainable Hubs Erasmus+ What a Wonderful world
    Five schools from different countries share their sustainable initiatives, including gardens, art exhibitions, and clothing donations.
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  • All About Technology
    The story is a reflective piece about the author's journey of learning and understanding various technological tools. It discusses their initial apprehensions, experiences, a…
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  • Maggie and the Moon
    Maggie, a mouse who loves the moon, comes up with a plan to save her hungry family by visiting the moon and meeting an Alien King.
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  • My Final Reflection on
    A student reflects on the impact of technology in education, discussing various modules and their benefits.
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  • James and the Remington Bolt Action Rifle
    The story of James Paris Lee, a Scottish watchmaker who became a successful firearms inventor and his journey with the Navy and Army.
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