Toxic Relationships Books

  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • The
    Della and Jim, a deceitful couple, plan to deceive each other with fake gifts for personal gain. Their toxic relationship crumbles as they realize the consequences of their a…
  • Self-Esteem book
    A collection of short paragraphs discussing self-esteem, ways to improve it, toxic relationships, body image, and jealousy.
  • Self Esteem
    A collection of short passages about self-esteem, toxic relationships, body image, and jealousy.
  • Self-Esteem
    A collection of short passages about self-esteem, boosting self-esteem, and toxic relationships.
  • The Power In ME
    Tips on how to be independent and trust yourself, including being confident, accepting and loving yourself, treating yourself, not depending on others too much, and recoverin…
  • The Bestfriend
    A story about a friendship that deteriorates due to one friend's destructive behavior and toxic relationship.
  • After We Collided
    'After We Collided' by Anna Todd is a story about the complicated and toxic relationship between Tessa and Hardin. Despite their abusive behavior, they try to make their love…
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