Trader Books

  • The Lazy Horse
    A hardworking trader teaches his lazy horse a lesson after discovering its trick to avoid work.
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  • Diary of a Minecraft Player
    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in the world of Minecraft? Find out in this diary of an unlucky Minecraft player named Steve.
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  • Seafaring Traders
    This book provides a brief overview of the Minoans, Phoenicians, and ancient trade routes, highlighting their achievements and connections.
  • Seafaring Traders
    The story discusses the peaceful Minoans, King Minos and the Minotaur, the rise of the Phoenicians, their trade routes, shipbuilding skills, and ancient trade.
  • The Lazy Horse
    A hardworking trader teaches his lazy horse a lesson about avoiding work through a clever trick involving salt and cotton.
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  • The Story of Gold For Salt
    A trader embarks on a journey through the Sahara Desert, encountering various challenges and trading opportunities along the way.
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  • James P. Beckwourth
    The story of James P. Beckwourth, a former slave who became a fur trader, explorer, and scout in the 19th century.
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  • The Son Of A Spice Trader
    Piero Cellini, a young spice trader in Milan, faces challenges but finds success with the help of an arranged marriage and a generous aristocrat.
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