Transgenic Organisms Books

    An introduction to biotechnology, covering topics such as artificial selection, genetic engineering, and cloning.
  • Allee goes to work
    Allee visits her mother's work and learns about genetics, stem cells, genetic diseases, transgenic organisms, gel-electrophoresis, and cloning.
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  • Vocab Project
    A collection of definitions related to genetic engineering, twins, traits, and other genetic concepts.
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  • Cassie, Carrie, and Polly
    Two seahorses play hide-and-seek, learn about camouflage and mimicry, and explore genetic engineering to create a new fruit called strawnana.
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  • Timmy and the GloFish
    Timmy, a boy without a pet, learns about genetically modified fish and shows his GloFish at show and tell.
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    Larry the hedgehog discusses the advantages and disadvantages of modified food, as well as the potential risks and benefits. He concludes that GM foods have potential but som…
  • ABC of a healthy lifestyle
    A collection of short informational paragraphs about various health-related topics, including allergies, bacteria, citrus fruits, dairy products, ears, GMOs, the heart, immun…
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