Transplant Books

  • Sickle Cell Anemia
    This is a story about a boy named Charles who has sickle cell anemia. It explains the symptoms, effects on his body, and his treatment through a bone marrow transplant.
  • Hazel and Berry
    Hazel goes camping and discovers a talking tree named Berry. She wants to bring Berry home, but realizes she needs to transplant her. With the help of her parents, Hazel succ…
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  • A Hero in Disguise (A collaboratiove short story about organ donation)
    Nisa's father needs a kidney transplant, but her kidney is not compatible. Uncle Hüseyin steps in, but the operation fails. A stranger offers to donate his kidney, and the se…
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  • Sickle Cell Disease
    Learn all about sickle cell disease, how it affects a person, and when it was discovered.
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  • The heart and her friends, the kidneys
    The heart, named Katie, works hard to pump blood but encounters problems when one of her kidneys fails. She gets a kidney transplant and lives happily ever after.
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  • Jack and
    Jack, a boy with Sickle Cell Disease, undergoes a successful bone marrow transplant and educates other kids about the condition.
  • ABC book on The Human Heart
    An informative ABC book about the human heart, providing facts, definitions, and pictures. It emphasizes the heart's size, pumping capacity, and other interesting facts.
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  • Pancake Problems
    A dirty and moldy pancake is eaten by a kid, leading to a detailed description of the digestive process and the consequences of eating the pancake.
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