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Tammy the Triangle learns that even though she and Tod the Triangle look different, they are both triangles because they have three sides.
by katie3214

A comprehensive guide to the three main elements of health: physical, mental/emotional, and social. Each chapter provides detailed information and tips on how to maintain a b…
by s44719

Learn about the different types of triangles and where they can be seen in everyday life.
by asn247

This informative book introduces different types of triangles, their angles, and side lengths. It provides clear definitions and examples.
by Marvel Fan

SAM and TOM, two triangles, meet and learn about different types of triangles and their properties. They go on an adventure to find more triangles.

Bravo is perfect! Please enter the page of the project which is the story and put the link and your name.
by Alex Gal

A comprehensive guide on health topics for young people, covering self-esteem, dating guidelines, sexting, dating violence, sexual harassment, and bullying. Each chapter prov…

This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
by ggonz211

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