Truck Books

  • Barney the Fire Truck
    This story is based on a real fire truck from Baltimore that wound up halfway around the world. I hope it reassures children that change can be good.
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    This book introduces various types of trucks and their purposes, from dump trucks to ice cream trucks. It also mentions some interesting facts about each type of truck.
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  • My Fire Truck
    A brief introduction to firefighters and their equipment, including fire trucks, hats, and extinguishers.
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  • A Truck and a Bicycle
    This is a story book about a truck and a bicycle who like to have a race and then come up with some interesting results at the end.
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  • I Am
    A collection of short rhymes introducing various animals, objects, and professions, each with a brief description.
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  • Tow Truck Tales
    We could never find enough stories that featured tow trucks for my son. So - we had to write some. In this book, Billy the tow truck learns the value of team work and has an …
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  • Two Red Trucks
    Two red trucks, Finley and Preston, meet a new blue truck named Emrick. At first, Preston is hesitant to play with him because he only plays with red trucks. However, after s…
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  • Trouble in Truck Town
    Toby, an older tow truck, feels useless when a faster model arrives. But when the new truck needs help, Toby saves him, teaching the moral that everyone is needed.
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