Typical Day Books

  • A Typical Day In Japan
    A glimpse into daily life in Japan, including commuting, grocery shopping, local events, and adapting to new customs.
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  • The typical day of an infant
    This book discusses cognitive and language development milestones in infants from birth to 1 year old.
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  • Liam's Typical Day
    Follow Liam, a pre-kindergartner, as he goes through his typical day at home and school, showcasing his language and cognitive development.
  • A typical day
    Three children, Sofia, Alexandra, and Panagiotis, describe their typical days, including school, homework, hobbies, and leisure activities.
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  • Finding My Voice Autism Through My Eyes
    Learn about autism through the eyes of a middle school child who lives with it day to day.
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  • Kindergarten!
    A brief description of a typical day in kindergarten, including subjects, activities, and dismissal.
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  • Cognitive and Language Development Milestones
    This book provides information about cognitive and language milestones for infants from birth to 12 months, as well as a typical day for a four-month-old baby.
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  • A typical day of a toddler (1 to3 years)
    A story about a young boy named Robert who learns various life skills such as getting dressed, feeding himself, potty training, making friends, language development, and havi…
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