Uranium Books

  • Trash Mountain
    A fun poem that teaches kids to think about over-consumption and recycling.
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  • Uranium
    A brief introduction to the element Uranium, its discovery, properties, and uses.
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  • All about Uranium
    A brief introduction to uranium, including its history, uses, physical and chemical properties, and some fun facts.
  • The Time Warp
    First book in the trilogy "Time and Space". Two young boys travel back in time to 1960's New York and try to get back home.
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  • Isaac the Uranium Isotope And his journey through Nuclear Energy
    Follow Isaac, an isotope of uranium, on his journey from a rock in the ground to becoming nuclear fuel. Learn about the process of uranium extraction, conversion, enrichment,…
  • Skeleton Key
    Alex Rider is recruited by MI6 to investigate a break-in at their headquarters. He discovers a spy named Jon Vasquez who stole uranium and sets out to stop him.
  • My Journey to the Center of the Earth
    A journey to the center of the Earth, exploring the different layers and their characteristics.
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  • Uranium 101: Everything you need to know
    An informational book about uranium, its properties, discovery, and uses.
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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