Urban Areas Books

  • Ecological challenges in urban areas
    This book discusses the importance of urban areas in achieving sustainable development goals, the environmental challenges they face, and strategies to improve the quality of…
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  • The use of renewable sources in urban areas
    A story about different types of renewable energy and how robots use them for various purposes.
  • Jack's Trip to the City
    Jack visits his cousin Olivia in the city with the help of her police officer dad. They explore various places and return home at sunset.
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    A group of students in Riceland explore different renewable energy sources and their benefits.
  • Urbanization in Frisco
    The story explains the different types of areas - rural, suburban, urban, metropolitan, and megalopolis - using Frisco as an example.
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  • Utilization of RES measures in urban areas
    This story provides information about the characteristics of a municipality in terms of energy. It discusses the location, land use, population, energy consumption, and poten…
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  • All About Me: Rhesus Monkey
    Reese the Rhesus Macque Monkey introduces himself and shares interesting facts about his habitat, diet, and contributions to human health.
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  • ABCs in the WILD
    An alphabetical exploration of various animals, their characteristics, and habitats.
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