Us Government Books

  • How a Bill Becomes a Law
    This story explains the process of creating a law in the U.S. government, from the introduction of a bill to its final approval or rejection by the President.
    Eye Icon 10532
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  • ABC's of The USA Government!
    An alphabet book that introduces various aspects of the US government, history, and civic concepts.
    Eye Icon 1605
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  • Oh, the Places You'll Go in Vietnam
    A brief overview of the Vietnam War, from its causes to its consequences, highlighting key events and decisions made by the U.S. government.
  • The U.S. Government: A Tour for Kids!
    A tour of the U.S. Capitol and National Archives Museum, explaining the three branches of government and the importance of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
    Political spectrum from a kid's perspective. 8th grade history project. Covers the 9 main forms of government
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  • Constitution for kids
    A brief overview of the creation and structure of the US government, including the Constitution and its articles.
    Eye Icon 1004
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  • Brown All Over
    Teaching black culture.

    ✔️ Introduces Discrimination
    ✔️ Covers Kwanzaa
    ✔️ Covers Juneteenth
    ✔️ Covers "What is a Protest" for kids
    ✔️ Contains the B…
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  • ABC's of U.S. Government
    An alphabetical guide to key terms and concepts in American government and politics, from Articles of Confederation to zoning.
    Eye Icon 27
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