Ussr Books

  • The Cold War USA vs USSR
    The story of the Cold War, a non-direct war between the US and USSR, characterized by tension, proxy wars, and an arms race.
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  • The Space Race
    A historical fiction about the Space Race between the USA and USSR, highlighting their competition to reach space and the moon.
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  • The Space Race
    A historical account of the space race between the USSR and the United States during the Cold War, highlighting key events and achievements.
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  • Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact was a defense alliance formed by 8 countries in response to NATO. It gave the USSR more control over other communist nations.
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  • Cold War Digital Presentation
    The story provides a chronological account of key events during the Cold War, detailing how each event influenced tensions between the USA and USSR. It covers the formation o…
  • Mr.Gorbachev's Failure
    This is a book for early learners about the end of the cold war. (:
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  • Fall of the USSR
    A brief history of the Soviet Union, focusing on Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms and the eventual downfall of the country.
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  • Book About the Late Cold War
    A brief overview of the Cold War, including its causes, major events, and key players.
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