Value Of Education Books

  • The Bee Keeper's Honey Bees
    This story is about bees and how they go on an adventure in the garden to make their honey for the bee keeper.
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  • Trevor and the Cheetah
    A boy named Trevor hates school and runs away to a jungle, where he meets talking cheetahs. They become friends and teach him the value of education.
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  • The Red Rain Jacket
    Bentley, a boy from a less privileged family, is worried about not having a rain jacket for school. His teacher, Mrs. Collins, surprises him with one and teaches him the valu…
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    Mehmet, a 10-year-old boy, learns about responsibility and starts fulfilling his duties at home and school.
  • From Mogadishu to Magnificent: The Journey of Ali
    "From Mogadishu to Magnificent: The Journey of Ali" is a heartwarming, yet compelling, realistic children's fiction that transports readers from the bustling streets of Mogad…
  • Let me tell you a Story Erasmus Project
    A description of various activities and projects related to reading, storytelling, fairy tales, values, and education.
  • Why Do I Need Place Value?
    James, a second-grader, is nervous about moving to the third grade due to his struggles with place value in math. His friends Shamar and Jenny help him understand place value…
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