Victorian Era Books

  • Victorian Era; Leisure and Play
    A brief overview of leisure activities during the Victorian era, including sports, theater, satire, and pubs.
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  • English Literature Victorian Era
    This story provides an overview of Victorian literature, including its characteristics, division, and prominent authors such as Charles Dickens and Emily Brontë. It also disc…
  • Victorian Era Philosophy
    An introduction to various political philosophies, including Utilitarianism, Laissez-Faire, Darwinism, Adam Smith, and Karl Marx. Explores the concepts of morality and natura…
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  • Victorian era
    A brief overview of important inventions during the Victorian era, highlighting their significance.
  • Foreing language. Reading workshop
    Oliver Twist's Early Life is a story about a young boy named Oliver who experiences tragedy and hardship. The story explores themes of poverty, hunger, and child labor. It is…
  • The Importance of  BeingEarnest
    This is a comprehensive guide to Oscar Wilde's play 'The Importance of Being Earnest'. It includes character introductions, act summaries, vocabulary lists, discussion questi…
  • Victorian Era Philosophy
    A brief introduction to the philosophers John Locke and Jeremy Bentham, including their background, education, and contributions to philosophy.
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  • Literary Salons in Victorian era
    A brief introduction to eight famous English authors and their notable works.
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