Violin Books

  • Lola The Fairy
    “Lola The Fairy” is a story about a gerbil being scared of performing his talent of playing the violin on stage. In the story, he will learn that you should not let fear stop…
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    Star Icon 335
  • The Magic of Music & Friendship
    A story about a girl and her magical violin. Written by Lacey - 6 years old (with a little help from mom).
    Eye Icon 1320
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  • ABC Book
    This book is for children who are learning their alphabet.
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  • The Violin
    A brief overview of the history, construction, and significance of the violin.
    Eye Icon 158
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  • Violin
    This book provides information about the violin, including its history, materials, sound, famous pieces, and interesting facts.
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  • Aria and The Magical Violin
    Princess Aria, a talented violinist, overcomes her fears and brings joy back to her kingdom with her music.
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  • Violin
    A brief overview of the violin, including its history, construction, sound, famous pieces, and interesting facts.
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  • My First Violin
    A young girl receives her first violin and embarks on a journey to learn how to play it, facing challenges along the way.
    Eye Icon 31
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