Voting Process Books

  • Nikki Votes a step by step story that explains how to vote
    Follow Nikki as she prepares for and participates in her first presidential election, learning about the candidates, voting, and the electoral process along the way.
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  • My Citizenship Scrapbook
    Claire Risler shares her citizenship journey, including rights and responsibilities, immigration, voting rights, and the election process.
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  • Voting and Elections
    A historical account of voting rights for puppies, highlighting the changes made to include all puppies in the process.
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  • How Bills Become Law
    A brief explanation of how a bill becomes law in the United States, including the roles of Congress, the President, and the voting process.
  • Voting for New Citizens
    A brief guide to the voting process in the United States, including requirements, parties, elections, and the electoral college.
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    The future generations of America need to learn the importance of a democracy. Learn to appreciate living in a free country, to appreciate being able to grow in a system that…
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  • Introduction To The American Society
    An introduction to the American voting process, including qualifications for voting, how the president is elected, election days, party symbols, ballot types, influences on v…
  • How A Bill Becomes A Law
    A girl named Rose creates a bill and goes through the process of getting it approved and passed into law.
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