Water Contamination Books

    The story provides information about different types of resources, their uses, problems, and possible solutions.
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  • Grandpa's Story
    A story about how the protagonist's grandfather and his classmates solved a water contamination problem at their school.
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  • Does it eat?
    A group of campers investigate a water contamination mystery that caused sickness and death, using scientific experiments to determine if the circles in the water are living …
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  • The best kingdom's King
    A king's kingdom faces water and gas contamination, leading to a war with a neighboring kingdom.
  • Meet my Friend, the Loch Ness Monster
    Jenni explores a polluted lake with her friend Juan, discovers a double-headed fish, and vows to help clean up nature with her sister's support.
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  • The Study of Living Things (Made of Cells)
    Three lab partners investigate the cause of six deaths at a campground in 2007. They discover contamination in the water and conduct experiments to determine if the contamina…
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  • The Shrinking of the Aral Sea
    The story discusses the environmental and health impacts of the shrinking Aral Sea due to agricultural diversion, including increased salinity, loss of wildlife and jobs, and…
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  • Environment
    A collection of short paragraphs about various environmental issues and endangered species.
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