My Public / Unpublished Books (15)

  • by Nithya Siva
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  • A fairy girl accidentally drops an ice cream cone on her pony's head, leading to the creation of unicorns in the fairy land.
    by Nithya Siva
    Eye Icon 66
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  • Adithi and her friend make origami for their teacher, clean the classroom, and surprise their teacher with a paper vase. Adithi feels proud of her accomplishment.
    by Nithya Siva
    Eye Icon 28
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  • Adithi receives a message from her friend Ilakiya about aliens dirtying Earth. She fights them and saves the planet.
    by Nithya Siva
    Eye Icon 46
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  • Yes,I admit corona is boring,never panic read this book you will get few fun ideas and you can use ideas in your free time.
    by Nithya Siva
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  • A story about how the protagonist's grandfather and his classmates solved a water contamination problem at their school.
    by Nithya Siva
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  • A kind-hearted girl and a helping fairy join forces to help people and animals, receiving gratitude from all. They become known as 'The friend of the whole world'. A 6-year-o…
    by Nithya Siva
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  • Annu's favorite book goes missing and she interrogates her family members to find the culprit.
    by Nithya Siva
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  • Pranab, a fat boy from Jatinga, finds a magical chocolate that gives him super speed. He meets a witch, gets a magical elephant, and returns home.
    by Nithya Siva
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  • Tim and Tom take their cat for a walk, but the cat runs off to a shop. They meet Rat and Bat, search for the cat, and have a firecamp with their parents.
    by Nithya Siva
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  • Tim and Tom go to the shop and buy a cat and a mat. They name the cat Shat and meet his friends Bat and Rat. They go back to the shop to buy a hat. Shat is happy and licks Ti…
    by Nithya Siva
    Eye Icon 66
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  • Lala loves her kerchief, but loses it. She is sad until she receives it as a birthday gift from her mom.
    by Nithya Siva
    Eye Icon 44
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  • Naina and Nina plan a surprise balloon decoration for their birthday party, showcasing their creativity and talent.
    by Nithya Siva
    Eye Icon 12

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