Winter Tourism Books

  • Alone but Together Outdoor Education eTwinning Project My city ERZURUM
    Erzurum is a city in Eastern Anatolia with rich cultural heritage and popular winter tourism. It has historical sites, ski resorts, and natural attractions.
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  • The History of Thoroughbred Horse Racing in Kentucky
    This book provides a comprehensive history of horse racing in Kentucky, from its origins in Ancient Greece to the present day. It covers key figures, famous horses, and signi…
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  • Northern Europe
    The story provides a detailed overview of Northern Europe, covering its physical features, climate, natural resources, and history. It also delves into the specific character…
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  • Tennessee
    An informative book about the state of Tennessee, covering its history, geography, climate, famous people, economy, and fun facts.
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  • Tourism in Poland
    An informational text about tourism in Poland, including its attractions and impact on the country.
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  • Presentation of Turkey
    Presentation made by my students for the etwinning project "Letters and Figures Alive"
  • Antarctica
    This is an informative text about Antarctica, covering its geography, human impact, explorers, climate change, and more. It discusses the importance of protecting this unique…
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  • WOW Dictionary
    The story explores different dream jobs, such as teacher, mechanic, engineer, astronomer, lawyer, and more. It also touches on celebrations, travel and tourism, and sports an…
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