Worker Ants Books

  • Little Bear is Stuck at Home
    This book goes along with the Little Bear series. It is about the main character, Little Bear, who faces tough times during this awful COVID-19 self-isolation.
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  • All About Ants
    An informative story about ants, their social structure, behavior, and abilities.
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  • The Ant & the Butterfly
    A story about an ant who discovers she doesn't need to be like someone else to be special, she is special just the way she is.
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  • Ants
    An informational book about ants, covering their appearance, habitat, diet, life cycle, and enemies.
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  • So You Want to be Part of Our Team?
    A group of ants teach the importance of teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and adaptability to a human audience.
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  • Ants' adventure to find a bone
    Jessica Lin is a 7 years old girl from China. She just began to write stories online.
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  • The Mockingbirds
    A story about a young mockingbird that can't find his voice. (a modern version of The Ugly Duckling)
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  • The unbroken bond
    I live in France in a fancy house my mothers owns a restaurant called lato mata thousands of people come there a day and i just want to ride a horse on my 16 birthday mother …
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