Working From Home Books

  • Little Bear is Stuck at Home
    This book goes along with the Little Bear series. It is about the main character, Little Bear, who faces tough times during this awful COVID-19 self-isolation.
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  • A Home For Highway
    How a lonely dog named "Highway" finds a safe, loving home. (Based on a true story)
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  • Bubbles Finds A Home
    A change in circumstances has brought Bubbles the rabbit to school. Although he enjoys being a classroom pet, he often wishes for a home of his very own.

    This is a t…
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  • A Lesson from the Garden
    Poor Mr. Weed is being bullied by all of the beautiful flowers in the garden. Mr. Weed is shy and doesn't look the same as the rest of his roommates in the garden. He …
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  • Shelter Souls
    Animal awareness, character building, responsibility & community involvement is what "Shelter Souls" is all about. Everyone deserves a loving home! Let's all do our part …
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  • 3 Homes, 2 Divorces & 1 Family
    Going through divorce is never easy, even if you have experienced it once before. Luckily for me, even though there are 3 homes and 2 divorces, my family loves ME very much.
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    Winner of the 2019-2020 National PTA Reflections Award in the literacy category for the theme "Look Within". Jubody is about three siblings and their quest to get back home a…
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  • Tiny's Big Journey
    After being rescued from a hole, Tiny, a Loggerhead Sea Turtle hatchling, struggles to find the perfect habitat-one with all of her basic needs.
    This book will help intro…
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