Wpa Books

  • Challenges to Roosevelt's New Deal
    The Challenges to Roosevelt and his New Deal Programs, including the Social Security Act, NLRB, WPA, FSA, and REA.
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  • The second New deal takes Hold
    A brief overview of key events during the New Deal era, including the passage of important acts and FDR's re-election for a second term.
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  • Great Depression & Dust Bowl
    A brief overview of the hardships faced during the Great Depression, including unemployment, soup kitchens, the Bonus Army, riding the rails, President Hoover's response, Roo…
  • Jacob Lawrence
    This book is a biography of Jacob Lawrence, an African-American painter known for his portrayal of African American life. It explores his background, career, and the impact o…
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  • Chapter 15 Section 2
    A brief overview of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal and its key components, including the Second Hundred Days, the Works Progress Administration, the Social Security Act, th…
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  • Great Depression
    A young boy named James and his family struggle to survive during the Great Depression, but find hope through government programs like the WPA and CCC.
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  • The New Deal
    A brief overview of the New Deal, its pros and cons, when it happened, what happened during it, where it happened, its main purpose, and its impact on the Great Depression.
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  • The New Deal was a series of programs and reforms to help America recover, reform, and provide relief during the Great Depressio
    This book provides an overview of various programs created during the Great Depression to combat unemployment and economic crises.
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