Yellow Journalism Books

  • Spanish-American War
    This book focuses on the background information that leads America into the Spanish-American war. It was written to review concepts of yellow journalism and world power.
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  • Mr.Fishy learns about yellow journalism
    Mr. Fishy discovers a sunken boat and learns about the sinking of the Lusitania and its impact on World War I.
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  • ABC's of Imperialism
    A brief overview of the major events and impacts of European imperialism in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
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  • Boston Massacre
    The story recounts the events of the Boston Massacre, including its causes, the shooting, the victims, the trial, and the aftermath. It also mentions yellow journalism's role…
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  • ABC's of American History
    An alphabetical guide to key historical events, figures, and concepts in American history, from the abolitionist movement to the Zimmerman Note.
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  • Spanish-American War For kids
    A brief history of the Spanish-American War, including the role of Yellow journalism, the de Lôme letter, the USS Maine explosion, and the outcome of the war.
  • The Spanish War
    The Spanish-American War was fought between the United States and Spain in 1898. It started due to Cuba's struggle for independence and ended with Spain losing control over i…
  • America's  Kingdom
    A collection of short historical texts about various topics, including the USS Maine, Yellow Journalism, and the acquisition of Alaska and Hawaii.
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