Yupik Books

  • Kaltaq Never Gave Up
    A little boy named Kaltaq, from the Yupik culture, works hard to achieve his goal of going hunting with his father.
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  • The Missing Eskimo
    Mumlluq, a 6-year-old girl, goes on a trip to Alakanuk and gets lost. Her mother finds her with the help of a kind stranger. They return home safely.
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  • Alaska ABC
    This is an informative book that introduces children to various aspects of Alaskan culture and nature, from A to Z. Each letter represents a unique element, ranging from 'Apr…
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  • Chena's Alaska
    Chena, an Inuit girl from Alaska, shares information about her culture, history, and way of life.
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  • Mississippi Studies
    This book provides information about Native American tribes, their food, language, and history under British, Spanish, and French rule.
  • Alerk 1: Before the power
    Alerk is a tough warrior with special powers, as his whole family did. But how did he get there? Well, it starts several generations before...

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