Zany Books

  • The Adventures of Normal Norman
    Life with Norman is anything but normal. His big heart and passion for adventure gets him into all kinds of trouble! Based on the real life antics of Zane, Norman is the pe…
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  • My Anime Alphabet!
    An alphabet book featuring Japanese pop culture characters and their actions, with a note to parents about the complexity of some words.
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  • Zoe's Zany Zoo
    Zoe wants to build a zoo and collects different animals. She also learns about counting, multiplication, and different ways to represent the number 10.
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  • ABC's of Thanksgiving!
    A children's book about Thanksgiving, covering various topics from autumn to zany family traditions.
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  • Zana's Zany Disease
    A story about overcoming the stages of grief for kids starring Zana the horse!
  • ABCs in the WILD
    An alphabetical exploration of various animals, their characteristics, and habitats.
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  • My Favorite Fantasy Girls
    This book is about Leia, Rey, Luna and Hermione. They inspire me everyday. Gotta love em!
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  • ABC's of Physical Education
    An alphabetical guide to PE class, covering topics such as attitude, behavior, control, dancing, equipment, friendship, games, handicapped kids, improvement, jumping, kicking…
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