Zionism Books

  • Zionism & 1948
    The history of Zionism and the establishment of Israel, including conflicts with Arabs and ongoing tensions.
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  • Henrietta Szold Jewish American Heroine
    Henrietta Szold, a prominent Jewish woman, founded the Hadassah Women's Zionist Organization and made significant contributions to education and healthcare in Jerusalem.
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  • ABC's of 7th Grade Social Studies
    This book teaches the ABC's of 7th Grade Social Studies, covering various topics from Apartheid to Zionism.
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  • ABC's of World History
    An alphabet book that introduces various historical and cultural concepts, from abolition to Zionism.
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    The story of Albert Einstein's life, from his childhood to his personal and professional achievements, as well as his impact on the world.
  • ABC's of World History
    An alphabetical list of historical and geographical terms, providing brief explanations for each term.
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  • ABC's of
    A collection of short biographies of famous British and American writers, poets, and playwrights.
    An overview of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, its historical roots, major events, and ongoing challenges. The story emphasizes the need for international support and negot…
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