Zongzi Books

  • Dragon Boat Festival
    This book provides information about the Dragon Boat Festival, including its origins, traditions, and significance.
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  • Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
    The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday that commemorates the life and death of Qu Yuan, a famous poet and political figure. It involves dragon boat races, …
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  • 端午节
    The story of Qu Yuan, a loyal poet in ancient China who was driven away by jealous advisors and later committed suicide, is commemorated on the Dragon Boat Festival.
  • cultural differences between Western and Chinese dragon
    A comparison of Chinese and Western dragons, including their appearance, abilities, symbolism, and cultural significance.
  • Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
    The Dragon Boat Festival is a Chinese festival that commemorates the death of poet and minister Qu Yuan. It involves dragon boat races, eating traditional foods, and worshipi…
  • Dragon Boat Festival
    A brief introduction to the Dragon Boat Festival in traditional Chinese culture, including its customs and significance.
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