My Public / Unpublished Books (10)

  • On a nice sunny morning Liam, a stickman, wakes up, happy to head back to school again. But, when he starts to get ready for school, he realizes he's missing one important th…
    by Cassie Calhoun
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  • The Finale.
    by Cassie Calhoun
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  • In this story of.. Unicorn and Dragon, they figure out what Crab and Cat are doing and are going to destroy their reign of chaos.
    by Cassie Calhoun
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  • fat cat and mr.cheapskate krab take over the universe.
    by Cassie Calhoun
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  • Ever since Shark and Dogs death, Cat and Crab have gone crazy! Now they're taking over the world, what will they take over next?
    by Cassie Calhoun
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  • cat and cat crazy story this is bananas.
    by Cassie Calhoun
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  • In this crazy new tale of Sha-, wait a second.. This isn't Shark and Dog?.. Who are these impostors and why are they here? Read the book and maybe you'll see.
    by Cassie Calhoun
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  • The epic finale of the Shark and Dog series, or is it?..
    by Cassie Calhoun
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  • Dog comes back for revenge, and he knows he will be avenged.
    by Cassie Calhoun
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  • Shark is a bit hungry and asks his good buddy, Dog, if he can have a snack.
    by Cassie Calhoun
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