My Public / Unpublished Books (10)

    by Ayla Yeğnidemir
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  • This book is a collaborative activity within the eTwinning Green Planet Project, where international teams create slogans and drawings about water.
    by Ayla Yeğnidemir
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  • In the garden of my house, a drop of water offers to tell a story. The protagonist questions how a drop of water could possibly have a story to tell.
    by Ayla Yeğnidemir
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  • Students participate in European Day of Languages activities by posting on a page and saying 'HELLO GREEN PLANET!' in their mother tongue and English. They use the voice butt…
    by Ayla Yeğnidemir
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  •,,,,,,, ayla_yegnide…
    by Ayla Yeğnidemir
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    by Ayla Yeğnidemir
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  • Miguel de Cervantes is a Spanish writer known for his novel 'Don Quixote'. Nadia Comaneci is a Romanian gymnast who achieved a perfect score in the Olympics. Mustafa Kemal At…
    by Ayla Yeğnidemir
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  • This story is about different types of plants and trees, including Aloe Vera, Alcea Rosea, Almond tree, Alove Vera, Anemone tulip, Apple tree, Broom (Ginesta), Cactus, Campan…
    by Ayla Yeğnidemir
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  • by Ayla Yeğnidemir
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  • A virus called COVID-19 spreads worldwide, causing illness. Healthcare workers sacrifice time with loved ones to care for patients. Children establish rules to fight the viru…
    by Ayla Yeğnidemir
    Eye Icon 116
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